Monday, July 16, 2012

Hot Sauce

I am imagining myself right now laying out in the desert, with the blazing sun shining on my dark hair and feeling the hot sand seeping through my toes. Right now, I feel heated up...and I am no longer referring to the desert anymore. There are just so many things that get on my nerves, but there are a few specific ones. There is one for example the way a parent will guilt trip you just to get you to do something. And this will go on and on until it seems like they are just purposely trying to annoy you. Just because one parent goes to work for the night, means the other has the freedom to do whatever they want?

A few of my other pet peeves, are when people don't listen. Simple as that. Anyone who plainly does not listen to what I have to say, which I don't really have much of sometimes, (which gives you even more reason to do so) makes me feel as if I need to shout. I can't talk to somebody who obviously ignores what I say and continue to talk about themselves. Isn't a conversation all about reciprocating? You can talk about yourselves all you want when and if I decide to become a therapist.

My lasts that surely gets my blood flowing are flakiness and lying. I come home this summer and realize that there is so much of this flakiness in some of my old high school friends. I can't say that this was because they have changed or because maybe my perspective has changed, but it has made me lose my faith and trust in some people. I realize my values and morals have morphed a little bit, and will continue to do so. I have a couple of really great close friends, and I would honestly do anything for them. In the long run, I would rather have a few close friends and my family in my life, than a bunch 'O fakes...does this sound like a cereal???
And if you are still reading, I can talk about how most people will not tolerate lying, and I just so happen to be one of them. I honestly(no pun intended), don't see the point in it. Honesty is my number 1 in most of my relationships. I can hold high standards for people but I know most can agree with me on this one. I can't tell you that I have never lied in my life before, so call me a hypocrite but I can say presently that I can't lie. I mean I can't, I am the worst liar ever.

Anyways, this was all I wanted to say. I really do think though, if there is one thing I need to work on, it would be improving my temper. It would be surprising to most people to know about, but here I am listening to The xx trying to calm myself down.
I suddenly remember this great verse: He that is slow to anger has great understanding; But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly. -Proverbs 14:29 

P.S. This song is nothing but peaceful, and beautiful. Give it a listen. (Can't wait for their new album!)

1 comment:

  1. haha you are the worst liar ever!!! I've experienced it firsthand ;)

    love you!
