Tuesday, September 18, 2012


It has been awhile since I have blogged...but not as long as I thought it would be for this post. I am sneaking in a short one before I go to lunch and to my lovely 1:05 afternoon class :). Tuesdays and Thursdays are my heaven...sleeping in and only two classes. What more could a college student ask for? Well maybe no class at all, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon. It is weird to think that this is only my third week of school. It feels like it has been a month or so. So much goodness has come out of these few weeks so far, I am loving living in an apartment with four of my closest friends. Our apartment complex has so much community, plus we have the best RA ever! I feel sorry at times for our neighbors to the right at times, (which consists of all boys) because they have to deal with our craziness and loud voices. But they deal with it and come over at spontaneous times, to either say hi or to see what in the world is going on. I am so gracious for meeting the people that I have and growing in my relationships with them.
This year is going to be pretty busy...although I am taking only 15 credits this semester, they are not going to all be easy classes, but my professors are all pretty great. I recently got a photo internship at my school's office called University of Relations which deals with the visuals of our school. They are in charge of the graphic designs, editing, publishing, advertisement, and look of the school. I had emailed them spontaneously before school started without even thinking that they are hiring, to see if they had any openings. I felt like I just had to do it for some reason, and without hesitation, I did. I actually interviewed here last year and failed to get it...and they told me last week at my second interview, that they remembered me being a strong candidate and they didn't hire me because I was a freshmen and unfamiliar with the campus. I am not 100% convinced of that reason, but I am so happy that I got it this year. I just have been looking for photography opportunities for awhile. Over this summer I was a little upset that I didn't get a internship at Element One Studio and was really wondering when I'd get some type of opportunity. And it is always when you least expect it, that greater things come. Anyways, that is the most exciting thing in my life that is happening right now. If anything cooler happens, I'll be sure to publish it for the world to see...or for the few of you who actually read this...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the internship!!! And that has got to be crazy living with 4 other girls....I can only imagine!! Lol I'm glad things have been good though ;) you'll get through it all!
