Thursday, August 30, 2012

If I were a boy...

I would not have to pack as much crap as I am in the process right now. I consider this post as an excuse for a break...besides, I haven't blogged in awhile and I thought I'd get a tiny one in before school and hecticness(?) begins. I know I will find myself lazy and not blog as much as I would like, but who knows I'll try I guess. Anyways, I might manage to pack everything with 2 suitcases(yes, 2! not 3!) this time, I learned my lesson from last year to not pack so many shoes (I never wear) and so many clothes(I never wear), well actually, I still have a ton of clothes but I think I'm lighter than before :). I find myself bringing more than necessary winter clothes, but it's California...I know. We live right near the mountains, so it's colder humidity wise. Surprisingly, the morning and nights get cold out in Azusa(nothing compared to Colorado of course), and we get a good amount of cloudy/rainy days. It sucks because I learned that I really looove winter clothing. Then this gets me thinking about the snow. And how California lacks this one great thing, but Christmas break will do me some justice. It was a hard decision choosing my cardigans to bring, I kept thinking, "Do I even wear these?" "How often am I going to even wear this?" I shoved away those thoughts, and packed about 6 cardigans...I'm a cardigan lover you see.  I know I'll always end up not wearing about half of the clothes I pack, but for some reason they are for the sake of having more options.
I am leaving tomorrow for California after a long, but lovely summer. This year, I am staying in an apartment with 4 of my friends. The place includes a kitchen, small living room, 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom. We have been planning all our decorations and ideas for months now and I can't wait to see what we will end up doing with it all. It will be super nice to have our own kitchen, but who am I kidding, I don't cook. I'm lazy...and my best dish would probably be an egg or a pancake. If only I cooked the Asian food the way my mom cooks it, then my stomach would be set. But instead, I honestly can say I don't have much of an interest in cooking. Baking, I can handle, but only do once in awhile. Hopefully I can learn to cook/bake more this year.
I am thrilled/nervous/anxious for this new year to come. Thinking about last year only makes me feel as if this year will be 10x better. So begins my journey tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Jackie, I can't believe we are sophomores! :) 4th grade until now... haha and I feel you on the packing thing. More options are awesome. I forced myself not to bring all my t-shirts to college :P.

    Hope your year starts out well! Love you!
